Home renovation is not an easy task, and to top it off, we live in a rapidly changing era. Every year, new trends emerge in the home renovation industry that somehow is deemed essential. The Quad Cities, known for its rich culture and architectural aesthetics, will not be left behind in home renovation trends for 2024. Today we discuss the top home renovation trends that will make your house stand out in Quad Cities.

Industrial Style

One of the top home renovation trends in Quad Cities for 2024 is industrial style. It is a perfect fusion of factory style and rustic feel, with a focus on minimalism. An industrial-style kitchen would typically have exposed brick walls or concrete floors, black fixtures, and stainless steel appliances. This trend is perfect for homeowners who want to create an unconventional atmosphere in their homes. You can incorporate this trend into your kitchen, living room, or even bedroom.

Smart Appliances

With technology advancing every year, smart appliances are becoming more popular by the day. A smart refrigerator can keep track of items and alert you when you are running low on groceries. A smart thermostat can save you money on energy bills by adjusting the temperature based on your schedule. Smart home devices are not just trendy; they are also convenient and energy-efficient.

Outdoor Living Spaces

Quad Cities is blessed with some of the most beautiful outdoor views, including the Mississippi River and the Quad City Botanical Center. Homeowners are starting to focus on elevating their outdoor living spaces. They are realizing that their outdoor space can be an extension of their homes. You can create an outdoor bar, kitchen, or even a lounge area. Some homeowners are adding fire pits and pergolas to create cozy spaces for socializing with friends and family.

Refinished Basements

Basements are no longer just storage spaces or laundry rooms. Homeowners in Quad Cities are transforming their basements into functional living spaces such as home theaters, playrooms, or even home gyms. This trend is perfect for homeowners who want to increase the livable space in their homes without having to add an addition. With proper renovations and design elements, a refinished basement can add value to your home.

Sustainable Materials

In this environmentally conscious era, more homeowners are turning to sustainable materials for their home renovations. Bamboo is becoming a popular choice for flooring due to its durability and eco-friendliness. Recycled materials such as reclaimed wood and recycled glass are also being used in home renovation projects. Not only do these materials help reduce waste, but they also add unique textures and character to a home.

Energy-Efficient Upgrades

In today’s world, many homeowners are becoming more conscious of their impact on the environment. As a result, energy-efficient upgrades are becoming increasingly popular in home renovations. These upgrades include installing solar panels, upgrading to energy-efficient windows and doors, and using sustainable materials in construction. Not only do these

Bold Colors

A home’s color scheme is essential as it sets the mood for the entire space. For 2024, bold colors are making a comeback. Instead of going for the traditional neutral colors, homeowners are getting more adventurous with their color choices. Some popular bold colors include navy blue, emerald green, and even mustard yellow. However, it is essential to note that moderation is key when dealing with bold colors. You do not want to overwhelm the space.

Mixed Textures

Homeowners are also adding different textures to their renovation projects. Mixing textures creates depth and adds visual interest to the space. For instance, you can combine velvet with leather, or add a furry rug to your hardwood floors. This trend is all about experimentation and finding the right balance that works for you and your space.

Latest Home Renovation Trends in Quad Cities

Home renovation is a continuous process that requires you to stay up to date with the latest trends. It is essential to not only focus on aesthetics but also on functionality. With the 2024 home renovation trends in Quad Cities, you can achieve both. Choose the trends that work for you and feel free to mix and match to create the perfect space. Your home should be a reflection of your personality, and with these trends, you can create the perfect oasis for you and your family.

Contact Vermillion Construction for all your home renovation needs and turn your vision into reality. Our team of experts will guide you through the entire process and ensure that your dream home becomes a reality. Let’s make Quad Cities the trendsetter in home renovations for 2024! With the help of Vermillion Construction, you can turn your house into a beautiful and functional space that reflects your personal style and keeps up with the latest trends. Don’t hesitate to reach out to us for all your home renovation needs in Quad Cities and beyond! The possibilities are endless when it comes to creating the perfect home for you and your family. So why wait? Let’s start renovating!