5 Ways a General Contractor Adds Value to a Project.

You are awesome. Let’s just get that out there. You are a very capable, intelligent person and you’re ready to tackle your next big project. Whether it’s a basement remodel or a large garage build, you know that if you’re in charge, everything is going to run smoothly…Right?

Although we’ve already established you’re awesome, there are times when it can help to hire a professional general contractor for your big project. I’ve talked to many clients over the years who acted as their own GC and wished they would have just hired a pro. Construction is a complicated process and when issues arise, do you have time to handle calling 3 different subcontractors to reschedule in the middle of your work day? Or, figure out which cabinets you want to order instead of the ones that are now delayed 4 months?

If you’re struggling with the decision to act as your own general contractor or not, consider the 5 reasons below why you should!

1. Professional Network

A great general contractor will have a strong network of vendors and subcontractors who are the best at what they do. Instead of spending hours on Google sorting through contractors, or even trying to find one with a website, hire a GC that has done this leg work for you. When we find good trade partners or outstanding vendors, we continually work with them and develop strong relationships. This helps ensure a high quality product, every time.

2. Knowledge Depth

A good GC will have all the answers. A great GC will know how to get them. True, most General Contractors have a good understanding of project flow, scheduling, and logistics. Often times, we are known as a jack of all trades because we have a good enough understanding of all of the other trades and their needs to competently communicate with them. That is a very important skill that in our opinion is underrated. It can be extremely frustrating to try to communicate when you don’t know the lingo and end up using hand gestures and words like “thingy” to get your point across. When you hire a GC they can act as your translator and get all of the trades the correct info.

Circling back to those first two lines in the above paragraph. Often times there are questions we don’t have answers to. However, a great GC will always communicate with subs and get answers and problems solved quickly and efficiently. Not only is our knowledge depth substantial, but we will rely heavily on our strong network of subcontractors to solve tough problems.

3. Project Management Software

At Vermillion Construction, we believe in investing in the latest and greatest means and methods for project delivery. At the top of this list involves investing in a project management software to keep documents, budget tracking, daily logs, and schedules all in one place. Instead of the old school method of pen and paper, or worse, the ole noggin, we keep all project documents compiled in our project management software. This reduces confusion and provides a base point for clients and subcontractors to refer back to at any given point in the project. Even better than that is the ability to make payments online via ACH transaction. This method is more efficient and secure than cash or check and the processing fees are incredibly low – keeping your costs low as well.

Organization is key to the success of any project, and CM software is an absolute must for any serious GC.

4. Coordination/Leadership

Managing subcontractors can be like herding cats. Without a seasoned wrangler, the cats run wild. General Contractors are great at getting everyone going in the same direction. We often work with the same subs so they get a feel for how everyone else is working. We are great at getting everyone on the same page. Without a GC, subs will often do what is best for their interests, whether or not it makes it tougher for other trades. Example – in the early days of my career I was working as a handyman. Taking whatever work I could find. I was working on a small office renovation when I showed up to the jobsite to find that all of the cabinetry had been installed. I was only going to paint the walls. Now a 4 hour job turned into a 12 and the project manager was nowhere to be found. Not only could the walls have been painted much more easily before the cabinets were installed, but at a higher quality – without cutting around all of the millwork. That’s just a small example of how a GC could have stepped in and had the walls painted first, keeping everyone happy.

Hiring a GC can give all the subcontractors a strong point of direction and leadership. Making the project run much more smoothly.

5. Making Your Life Easy

If making schedules, tracking budgets, making 25 calls a day to subs and vendors doesn’t sound like your cup of tea, then hit the easy button and hire a GC. Your project will run smoother and your headaches will cease to exist. Not only that, but any time you have questions or concerns, you have a one stop shop for peace of mind!